Levagen®+ PEA Capsules (60 x 300mg)

Levagen®+ PEA Capsules (60 x 300mg)

Levagen®+ Capsules

90% Palmitoylethanolamide with LipiSperse® Technology

What is Levagen®+ Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)?

Levagen®+ is a cold water dispersible palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) which is specifically designed to increase bioavailability and get to work fast

Levagen®+ incorporates the same LipiSperse® technology found in HydroCurc, offering superior bioavailability using an incredibly effective carrier.

In aqueous environments (such as the stomach), the specifically designed Levagen particles freely disperse. This net effect translates to increased bioavailability. With over 90% loading, Levagen®+ supplies the largest amount of PEA in a water dispersible formulation. Particle sizes are quality checked by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) analysis as well as Laser Light Obscuration.

Levagen®+ PEA Benefits

Levagen®+ exhibits a unique combination of neuro-protective, analgesic, anxiolytic and anti-inflammatory actions, while maintaining an excellent safety profile. Levagen®+ is backed by numerous human clinical studies.

PEA acts at a number of receptors known to exert anxiolytic, anti-analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions, making it ideally suited to enhancing sleep and targeting pain and inflammation.

PEA acts through the endocannabinoid pathways via CB1 and CB2 receptors. Endocannabinoid signaling promotes restful sleep.

Levagen®+ Offers Superior Bioavailability

Levagen®+ is proven to be up to 1.8x more bioavailable than standard PEA based on a parallel, double-blind, bioavailability study done to measure uptake of PEA over a 24-hour period.

The objective of the trial was to determine whether LipiSperse® can be successfully used to improve the bioavailability of Levagen®.

The study was conducted with 28 healthy male and female volunteers over 18 years old. Participants were randomised into 2 groups (Levagen+ or Standard PEA) with each group consuming a single 300mg dose of a PEA formulation. (Blood samples were taken at baseline and 30, 45, 60, 70, 90, 120, 180, 240 minutes post ingestion.)

The primary outcome measure of the trial was the change in plasma uptake of PEA over a 4 hour period. The Levagen+ formulation significantly increased plasma PEA concentration above baseline concentrations by ~1.8x that of the standard PEA formulation.

CBD vs Levagen®+ PEA

Similar to Cannabidiol (CBD), Levagen®+ works via the same receptors and channels and it offers identical anti-inflammatory, analgesic and neuro-protective benefits.

However, unlike CBD, Levagen®+ is self-affirmed GRAS (generally recognized as safe), making it not only a safer alternative to CBD and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but a completely legal one too.

The following table outlines the similarities and advantages of Levagen®+ when compared with CBD.

Levagen+Cannabidiol (CBD)
Sold as a dietary supplementNovel Food in EU and US FDA stating that it is
not a supplement
Well-documented alternative natural active to CBDIncreasingly being regarded negatively by both
No adverse effectsMultiple side effects (anxiety, changes in
appetite/mood etc.)
Augments activity of AEA (direct effect on CB1, CB2,
GPR55, PPAR-a and TRPV1 receptors)
Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity,
demonstrating neuroprotective, anxiolytic and
anticonvulsant properties
Acts at PPAR-a (with some activity at PPARy)Acts at PPARy (with some activity at PPAR-a)
Low affinity to CB2 receptorsLow affinity to CB1 and CB2 receptors
Antagonist of GPR55 (mediates non-psychoactive
effects of cannabinoids)
Negative allosteric modulator at CB1 receptor
Reduces production of TNF-a and ILInverse agonist of CB2
Modulate mast cell degranulation (pain/allergy
Antagonist of GPR55 & TRPV1
Microglial inhibition (analgesic action)
Down-regulates COX-2 and iNOS
Acts at GPR119, providing hypoglycaemic effects via
upregulation of glucagon and the insulin response to glucose

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  • Views: 9039
  • Product Code: LEV60
  • Availability: 50
  • 29.65€
  • Ex Tax: 27.20€